Sunday 28 October 2007

Artist or Craftsman?

This is something I have always had a problem with. People tend to see Art as being somewhat 'better' or more 'respectable' than Craft. So if you say that you are an artist, it is perceived that you are somehow saying 'My work is better than mere craft'. It is for this reason I have always shied away from labelling myself as an artist. I prefer the label 'craftsman' too because it infers a level of quality to the work, which often 'modern' art seems to lack.

All of the work here was handcrafted by me.

Bronze effect Shield and Axe

Dragons head axe and shield

Bronze Helm

Art Doll - The Fool

Figure Carving - Nude

Thank you for getting this far down the page! While you are here you might as well take a quick look at my short video that I made to promote my work. Take a few seconds to let me know what you think. It works much better with the volume turned up.